On 31/10/2014 12:02, Daniel Kozák via Digitalmars-d wrote:
You can write intellij idea plugins with JDK 7 or even JDK 8, but that
plugins will only work with IDEA running on same version of JDK. You
must use same version for IDEA SDK and for IDEA itself. Currently
IDEA and all plugins are compatible with JDK 6, so this is why JDK 6 is

Ah, but that is totally fine then. It's actually the same scenario with Eclipse: The base Eclipse platform (and most official Eclipse plugins - that is, the plugins released by eclipse.org) are made to run in JVM 6. But if you write a plugin that requires JVM 7, then you must run Eclipse with a JVM 7, naturally. (BTW, that's the case with DDT)

If you guys are writing an Intellij plugin for D, requiring the user to run it in a JVM 7 is perfectly reasonable. Even JVM 8 is trivial to install. There is not point in making your (the plugin developer's) life harder when installing a JVM 7 is trivial, in any OS.

Bruno Medeiros

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