On Thursday, 13 November 2014 at 23:29:42 UTC, ZombineDev wrote:
Well D is still a much better language. I have used C# professionally for about 2 years and in my opinion it invites writing over-architected OOP with little regard about efficiency.

In my experience, that's how experienced architects work. This only tells they work with C# and not with D, and why they chose C# is a different issue. D code is affected by design choices too. How would you estimate std.datetime?

It is the overall feeling I get from the community that people want to use D to write elegant, yet highly optimal code.

If you don't see software development as art and want it to be effective, the code needs to be maintainable, extensible, testable, fast. And it should be written int the first place. Elegance is not in the list.

My impression is that the average .net developer is scared by the "low-level stuff" and wants these stuff to be magically taken care of. I haven't seen anyone that wants to get rid of the GC and even fewer are trying to be proactive and to find a solution (like @nogc, RC strings or exceptions in Dland).

Performance and memory consumption is a problem in .net too, if you write anything but a "hello world". You can't say "16Gb RAM is quite enough, thank you" or "User can wait 30min for this operation to complete just fine".

Also a large portion C# devs are highly dependent on Microsoft's politics. Like when the development of Silverlight platform was canceled. It was a huge blow to the .NET community and there was no solution (even third-party) so everyone just the left the sinking ship.

Wasn't obvious Silverlight was born dead?

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