On Thu, 11 Dec 2014 08:57:56 +0000
Tobias Pankrath via Digitalmars-d <digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:

> >> 
> >> Storing it as body IR accomplishes nothing practical over 
> >> storing it as source file, i.e. .di files.
> > except that there's no need to parse source code over and over 
> > again,
> > which is good for other tools (like completion suggesting, 
> > intelligent
> > code browsing and so on).
> Which usually hold an AST in memory anyway. We have a fast 
> parser, parsing even a big codebase once is really not a problem, 
> see DCD for example.
> If the only advantage is to skip a parsing stage here or there, 
> it does not justify the work that would be needed.
as we have a fast compiler too, i can't see any sense in producing
machine code files at all. the only advantage is to skip a parsing and
compiling stages here or there, it does not justify the work that would
be needed.

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