On 18 December 2014 at 09:58, Joseph Rushton Wakeling via
Digitalmars-d <digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:
> On 17/12/14 08:53, Manu via Digitalmars-d wrote:
>> Errors should be fine... I imagine assert is an intrinsic defined by
>> the backends(?).
> TBH I think it was a daft question.  An Error thrown by assert failure ought
> to bring down the whole program anyway, and probably for a game you'd use
> the -release flag to strip out asserts for release builds.

This is all true :)

>> In Fuji, I register an assert handler (core.exception.assertHandler =
>> myAssert) which is implemented by Fuji and is portable.
>> Oh yeah, TLS, that's another one that tends to require special treatment.
>> Basically, the language will produce working code for all platforms
>> I've tried if you avoid: exceptions, TLS, GC.
>> I'm fine with this, that's how I write code anyway. In the case of
>> Fuji, there are Fuji API's to do most of the low-level druntime/phobos
>> stuff that might not be supported (threads, synchronisation,
>> allocation, etc).
> Sounds interesting -- can you clarify the issue with TLS?  (Apologies if
> you've already explained this in earlier discussions, feel free to tell me
> to just search the forums if so;-)

Just that it depends on threading and synchronisation features in
druntime, which probably isn't implemented for arbitrary console
platforms ;)

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