As opposed to some other markup language. You're always going to have 20 such markup instances, one way or another.

There's a big difference between the amount of visual noise between different instances. I'm using D for 5 years and when I still find DDoc laced with $(LI $(B bold) $(D code)) hard to read.

And there's no way to make lists or tables readable:

Yes, there is. I just showed you.

I don't consider that to be readable, especially, as I mentioned, if the items are long lines of non-plain text.

No matter what form Ddoc takes, it will force some method upon users. However, you can use Doxygen on .d sources if you prefer.

I don't use it because it doesn't *really* understand D.
I'm not arguing for Doxygen's syntax / D support or lack thereof.
I'm arguing for its user experience.

The D language has a use for most every character, so escapes will be needed a lot.

D blocks in DDoc are usually in:

code here

With a Markdown-like syntax, inline code could be in `inline code here` . I admit you would need to escape the backticks, which are very rare, especially in inline code fragments. I also admit *that* would force you to not reliably use *some* D code fragments *outside* backticks. And I find it unlikely that there are more than 3 fragments in entire Phobos doc
this would break.

to be usable, documentation must be as simple to generate as:

  doxygen Doxyfile

    dmd -D source.d

The result takes a shitload of work to make it useful, especially if your project has more than 1 module (and no, passing more files won't help
with that).
THIS is useful (it's very close to what Doxygen spits out by default):

D claims to have a builtin documentation generator, but you can either spend a week searching for nonexistent documentation about how to make decent documentation *or* you can get a third-party documentation generator, which is the same experience you get with C++ and Doxygen.

The only place anyone has to use Ddoc is in the Phobos documentation. If Doxygen is better, more convenient, etc., why aren't you using it? Ddoc must be doing something right :-)

I'm modifying a third-party documentation generator to support Markdown and to get decent "Doxygen doxyfile" user experience right now.

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