On Sunday, 11 January 2015 at 18:25:39 UTC, francesco.cattoglio wrote:
On Sunday, 11 January 2015 at 14:10:56 UTC, ponce wrote:
None of them has Visual Studio integration with debugging support and that is pretty important for native and enterprise programmers.
If I remember correctly, just 2 month ago someone was explaining
how they lost a commercial user because D debugging experience
was still not good enough by a long shot. And in my daily use,
debug experience is still subpar on windows.

only to discover it is not fun enough and fun is more important than "memory safety without GC".
WHAT? Syntax is boring, but I don't get the sense of the sentence

Right, might be personal judgement, at this point I was in rant-mode. :)

Rust is supposed to replace C++, and it happens working in C++ since years, I can't help but notice we actually have very few memory safety problems, to the point that I question that it's something worth worrying about. At least, more than D does with .init and bound checking.

Bjarne himself talks about how language users ask for different things that what they actually want here: http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Lang-NEXT/Lang-NEXT-2014/Keynote (see 27:40)
Has this changed fundamentally?

I'm obviously being the devil's advocate here, but we can't just say "D is much more far ahead, we have nothing to fear from Go and Rust", because it's just not true. And I say it as a daily D user, daily facing issues like the horrible invalidMemoryOperationError exception.

When does invalidMemoryOperationError happen and how do you avoid it?

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