On 1/18/15 5:41 AM, Kiith-Sa wrote:
The thing with the red gradients looks incredibly horrible/ bad
constrast actually makes it physically (eye strain) unpleasant. The
cleanup looks better, but now the site has 3 columns with 3 different
styles (not just colors, but e.g. flat vs gradient, edgy vs rounded,
having that extra border on the bottom vs not having it)

I'll replace the gradient with flat colors today.

Dlang.org needs design by a designer, not by art-insensitive
programmers. No, I'm not much of a designer either, unfortunately. But
it should not be too hard to find a student with decent art sense who
can do much better than this.

I agree. Note that the difficult part for me was (a) finding the right stuff online, (b) learning the stuff involved in getting it to work on our site and degrade nicely without javascript, (c) getting the mechanics integrated.

In the process I changed ONE thing: the colors. EVERYBODY disliked the colors, but only ONE soul proposed others.

Also, note that the collapsible menu can be done in pure CSS, no JS
needed, which would allow it to work consistently even with NoScript.

I searched for ways to do accordion menus without Javascript for maybe a couple of hours today, no avail. My conclusion was it can't be done, or at least not with what's available for free. But of course that's based on two hours' worth of accumulating expertise. I challenge you to make a pull request that achieves accordion menus without Javascript. Feel free to start from my branch and change the code from there.


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