On Tue, 20 Jan 2015 22:02:53 -0500
Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d <digitalmars-d@puremagic.com>

> You may be able to, but I don't see the point. writeln can work 
> perfectly fine for the most part inside dtors. But it can't be marked nogc.
now, that's really nice. "it's wrong, it can fail, it even marked as
one that can fail, but sometimes it works, so it's ok".

i'm off. there is no sense in trying to bring any sanity in this
discussion. i'm sorry. Ola was right: seems that safety is not in a
list of primary goals. it seems that it's not in a list of goals at

i hereby promise to not trying to propose anything in the future. it's
pointless to proposing anything when wrong code is declared as
"acceptable code". i'd better go with my fork from now on and stop
polluting NGs with my misunderstanding.

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