On Tuesday, 27 January 2015 at 04:10:24 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 1/26/15 7:25 PM, Zach the Mystic wrote:
On Tuesday, 27 January 2015 at 02:40:16 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
On 1/26/2015 6:15 PM, Zach the Mystic wrote:
What's keeping you from committing to 'dfix' as the way to solve
issues like the
one in this thread?

Inertia of people being reluctant to use it. It's still work for
people to use, it's not part of their build process.

What about compiler integration? I'm talking about fundamental language changes. Why would people use it if it didn't have official backing and
wasn't part of the compiler package? In this post:


... I said: 'For example, let's say dfix is included with the compiler
Now you get an error, saying: "Error: `@nogc` is no longer
accepted, but can be automatically replaced with `nogc`. Run dfix on this file? (y/n)"... or whatever is deemed the secure approach
to this feature.'

That's what I mean by "commiting to dfix."

I'm ready to commit to dfix. Problem is many of the changes suggested are unlikely to mark much improvement, while miring us in the perpetual illusion of making progress. The fact that we can avail ourselves of a tactical tool that makes changes easy is helpful but also opens opportunity of abuse.

Let's stop shuffling the deck. I mean it. Stop shuffling the freaking deck. Fix the real issues in the language. Add new libraries. Be original. Be creative. Do real work.



Well said.

I've been wavering for a few months between D and Python for teams on smaller internal projects. IMO this is the right attitude from core D devs to finish off D2.


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