On Tuesday, 27 January 2015 at 04:10:24 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
I'm ready to commit to dfix. Problem is many of the changes suggested are unlikely to mark much improvement, while miring us in the perpetual illusion of making progress.

I don't think there's any illusion about D's great progress. D really has been making incredible progress. But also, don't you think it's progress to really solve issues, even little ones, such that threads like this never take place again? The way I see it, it's either dfix or the status quo for this issue. The current pull request is not decisive enough. So I talk about dfix, because it seems like the right tool for the job. Yes, it's tantalizing to imagine what other uses it has, but we won't know until it's in the tool belt and available to use. Maybe it'll have no other uses. Maybe all other potential uses will be "illusions of progress". But to me, it's attractive. It offers the best odds at really closing the case on a lot of nitpicks people have about D right now.

The fact that we can avail ourselves of a tactical tool that makes changes easy is helpful but also opens opportunity of abuse.

What I hear you say is that you may not want the added responsibility of yours and Walter's making decisions on all the new possibilities it opens up. And maybe you're right about that. All I can do is make arguments, while you two have to decide Yes, or No. I want my arguments to help make your decisions easier. That's my goal. But I won't deny that (to use a tired cliche that actually makes sense here) with added power comes added responsibility.

Let's stop shuffling the deck. I mean it. Stop shuffling the freaking deck. Fix the real issues in the language. Add new libraries. Be original. Be creative. Do real work.

How is the pull request which started this post not shuffling the deck? If it's not an issue, why make a pull request to begin with? Also, I hope it helps to realize that not everyone is qualified to give valuable feedback on some of the larger issues D faces. I definitely feel out of my league on many topics here, notwithstanding the crazy ideas that just pop into my head sometimes. :-/ But simply allowing people to chatter about the issues they do feel competent to discuss can have a very positive effect on the community. I don't think it stops you or anyone else from starting threads on the bigger animals in the arena. Not everyone's playing with the same set of marbles here. But I'll admit I don't know exactly how you feel. Just focus on what you care about and be honest about what you currently consider worthy and not worthy of your very valuable time. Destroy! :-)

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