On Tue, 27 Jan 2015 08:44:17 +0000, deadalnix wrote:

> On Tuesday, 27 January 2015 at 08:07:11 UTC, ketmar wrote:
>> heh. i was very passionate about D, and i started the process of
>> migration of all our work projects (i'm a head of software company with
>> ~100 employees, if anybody is interested) to D. but then i realised
>> that D -- being a best programming language i've seen in my life -- is
>> a toy project. just think about it as a personal toy. and then you'll
>> know what expect from it.
> A head of a 1000 employee software company would certainly have the
> power to change that rather than spending his time complaining on a NG.

i don't know where you found that "1000" number, i was talking about 
"100". it's a very different thing.

and then: do you proposing a fork? sure, i can do that. actually, i'm 
using a very different D already (heh, people that are interested in my 
public code -- noone, actually -- may notice that all my modules are 
"aliced" now; that's 'cause i want them to fail early instead of being 
asked why they errored in the middle). but will it be good for D? i'm not 
making my fork public for a reason. and i'm writing here for a reason 
too. did you notice that almost all of my topics (not that many, 
actually) got a lenghty discussion? isn't that a sign that i'm talking 
about important things?

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