On Tuesday, 10 February 2015 at 17:04:36 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
On 2/9/15 11:17 PM, Dicebot wrote:
I do what I feel needs to be done. You are free either reject or accept it. But please don't tell me how I should manage my own spare time. If
you want cultural change - lead by example.

I only replied because you explicitly asked for my opinion, under the assumption it would be discussed civilly even if it is not aligned with yours.


There seems to be a weird miscommunication here. I have asked your opinion about this specific proposal - does it seem useful to you, would you be willing to endorse it as official starting point for D development etc. Instead I got verbose explanation about my attitude being wrong and how other areas are more important to work on. Thus it wasn't on point at all.

By rejecting this you won't make me work on other things that _you_ consider more important - it will simply make me reconsider this project as private one and not keep in mind potential upstream inclusion.

May I suggest you to do some research on open-source project management and related topics? It feels like there is a huge mismatch between how you expect things to work and how those happen to work in practice. Such misplaced expectations can do a lot of harm for project leadership.

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