On 22/05/2015 10:21 p.m., Chris wrote:
I was recently thinking that D is a bit like climbing up a hill or a
mountain. For the most part you are focused on reaching the top, yet
every once in a while it's good to stop and turn around to enjoy the
scenery and see how far you've come. So here is what I see:

- LDC/GDC: easy to download and use. Nicely packaged.
- DUB: great tool for project management
- DVM: great tool for upgrading from D to D.
- Phobos: has become quite a useful library. Ranges are an important
part of data processing, I don't wanna miss 'em anymore
- vibe.d: a web server in D.

s/web server/web server framework/
My only gripe!

- Projects in D: LuaD, PyD etc etc.
- the expertise that's involved
[add anything you like]

Mind you, this has been achieved without millions of dollars and
corporate backing and yet D is a real language with real applications
(only nobody talks about it). I know, there is still a steep climb ahead
of D, but let's enjoy the view for a while. What has been achieved is by
no means trivial.

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