On Friday, 22 May 2015 at 17:05:10 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
Agreed, D does have its warts and dark corners, but overall it's
extremely awesome. I just can't bring myself to starting new projects in any other language these days (unless I get paid to do it, of course).
D has totally wrecked my life, and it's all yall's fault!! j/k

LOL. The problem I have is that I'm not learning any new languages anymore. Not only do I never have enough time to do all that I want to get done with D itself, but if I'm working on a project that I care about at all, I want to do it in D. But in my experience, to really learn a new language, you need to either be using it all the time at work, or you need to be using it as you go-to language for all of your side projects. If you don't, you don't really end up using it enough to really learn it. And since I really want to be doing my side projects in D (and I work in C++), I'm really not experimenting with other languages much, and I'm definitely not learning them well. I haven't even learned C++11/14 properly, because I can't use it at work yet, and almost all the programming I do in my free time is in D.

But everything other than D is just so frustrating anyway. ;)

- Jonathan M Davis

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