On Tue, 13 Oct 2009 00:42:51 +0400, Nick Sabalausky <a...@a.a> wrote:

"Ary Borenszweig" <a...@esperanto.org.ar> wrote in message

Yeah, we made a game in WPF in the company I work for, using bindings
(*the* feature of WPF): it was sluggish. From the start I recommended
doing it in a lower-level language (I recommended D!) but no one listened to me. It runs pretty slow with an amazing computer. I don't like WPF (nor
Siliveright). :-P

Is that related to, or the same as, the win forms library from .NET? Because I've found that to be horribly broken for anyone that uses a light-on-dark
color scheme. Certain limitations of it make it impossible to prevent
certain things from exhibiting invisible-text-syndrome on such a setup,
which inevitably results in an app that's just horribly unprofessional.

No, they are not related in any way. They are two completely different GUI toolkits.

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