On 12/10/2009 07:33, Jeremie Pelletier wrote:
Jérôme M. Berger wrote:
Jeremie Pelletier wrote:
I agree however that GTK being in C is rather annoying, C is a great
language but GUIs is one area where OOP really shines.

Note that Gtk *is* object oriented despite being in C...


It's a sorry hack, you have to use casts everywhere you'd rely on
polymorphism in D or C+ and its harder to remember, read, code,
maintain, and doesn't have any performance gains over C++, the explicit
struct pointer in C is the implicit 'this' in C++ and non-virtual
methods can be optimized as direct calls with no vtbl indirections.

I tried gtkD and I don't like using an OOP layer on top of a C interface
because that adds overhead for the exact same features, most good GUI
libraries should abstract the platform anyways so GTK is usually only
seen there and not in user code.

It's still more fun to use than the Windows' windowing API, which
doesn't even support layout objects such as boxes and grids, now that's
total pain!

what about MS' WPF? It has all the bells and whistles of modern UI, doesn't it?

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