On 08/05/2015 15:03, Chris wrote:

The funny thing is that people keep complaining about the lack of tools
for D, and when a tool is built into the language they say "That tool
shouldn't be part of the language". Yet, if it were omitted, people
would say "Why doesn't D have this tool built in?". Human nature, I guess.

That's because some developers are, well, idiots (that's human nature). Or to put it less bluntly, some developers have idiot ideas about what should be done in the language.

This is important for us to recognize, because it should be an important skill of the D leaders/designers to recognize which of these ideas are good, and which are not. We shouldn't follow every user's suggestion, even if there is a vocal minority behind it. It's not a case of "the customer is always right" here.

In this particular case, about tooling, my general feeling is that tooling that benefits the whole community if more developers all use the same tool, should be included in the basic D distribution. So stuff like formatting tool, testing framework, build system (DUB for example), etc. . It helps one developer if other developers use the same standard here, with regards to these tools, because then they are compatible and can be reused.

For other kinds of tools, say IDEs for example, it really doesn't affect me at all what IDEs other developers use, it makes no impact in the generated code. So it doesn't have to be included in the D distribution. (doesn't mean it can't though, it's not a strict rule)

Java for example, does not ship any IDE with the standard Java distribution, even though Oracle does work on an IDE of their own - (Netbeans).

Bruno Medeiros

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