On 8/06/2015 4:34 p.m., Tofu Ninja wrote:
On Monday, 8 June 2015 at 04:22:56 UTC, Mike wrote:
On Monday, 8 June 2015 at 04:21:45 UTC, Tofu Ninja wrote:

Personally I would just be happy with a d wrapper for something like
freeimage being included.

That's what Deimos is for


I guess I meant to use it as a base for image loading and storing and to
build some kind of d image lib on top of it. I see no point in us trying
to implement all the various image formats if we try to make a image lib
for phobos.

Atleast my idea behind Devisualization.Image was mostly this.
The implementation can be swapped out with another easily. But the actual interface used is well made.

So while a Phobos image library might have a few formats such as PNG, it probably wouldn't include a vast array of them. So then its just a matter of allowing 3rd party libraries to add them transparently.

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