On Friday, 12 June 2015 at 12:34:06 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
Also, not upgradeable RAM... I take it back. Don't buy one of these :) Buy a used 2012 version instead! That's a significant downgrade, I don't know who's deciding these things, but that's definitely a failure.

Yeah, buy used, refurbished or just look for ways to upgrade parts seems like a good idea these days. Maybe companies like Apple and Microsoft just need control freaks like Jobs and Gates to keep things focused?

I wonder if they had problems making MacPro earn back R&D and saw iOS dev accounts making purchases of the 4-core minis. That could explain this "rational business decision" at the cost of bad PR with developers.

In my country the mid-end MacPro (6 cores@3.5Ghz) is at 5164USD, but a store bought Haswell CPU 6 cores@3.3Ghz is at 477USD. That does not add up!

By building my own I'd probably save over 60% for my use (compiling) .

This is the app I worked on for 2 years (under contract): http://www.replaylocker.com/ I only worked with the iOS version, not the android version (which is a hand-ported clone of the iOS).

That's pretty cool! Of course, if you have a contract with a solid entity you can also invest with a light heart :-).

Investing in your own ideas in order to make money back on the app-store with no contract is a very risky investment though.

bandwidth. So if you install the app, you likely will be disappointed :)

Ah, but the website explains it pretty well. Looks like a very nice project to get involved with. Of course, next time you'll get to push harder for D since it has better C++ interop now. :)

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