On Saturday, 27 June 2015 at 16:44:49 UTC, Atila Neves wrote:
Your UFCS abuse is my UFCS awesomeness. It doesn't _make_ you use UFCS though, nobody would stop you from writing `shouldEqual(timesTwo(2), 4)` instead, which I think is nearly as readable. "Nearly" because I prefer UFCS. The advantage of using a word like "should" is that it enables UFCS, which "test" doesn't. After that it's a question of code style preferences whether or not you use it.

And disagreement about how idiomatic such style preferences should be is exactly the reason why I will vote "no".

Look at it this way : if this proposal will never get to Phobos, I won't lose anything. It does not have any really important utility I need in standard library. Main thing about this proposal is making certain testing style standard - and thus there is no practical reason to accept any compromises.

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