On Wednesday, 15 July 2015 at 15:33:53 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Probably this won't be very useful here because the abstraction we describe is rather complex. I'd be happy with something that a dozen of folks around here agree isn't bad.

I sense that the disdain for 'splat' was on account of its use as onomatopeia. I understand, and thought the same thing at first (reminded me of the old Batman TV series: Bam! Boffo! Splat!) but we get used to anything.

If there's consensus for splat, I'm fine allowing it. I'm personally not very convinced because I'd never heard of the term before and (as I described) I was unable to discover with google what it means.

'splat operator' is how I'd Google it. If you're familiar with Ruby or PHP you'll see that terminology. Coffeescript too; here's an SO entry that gets the idea across


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