On 10/17/09 10:31, Eric Suen wrote:
"Christopher Wright" wrote
Jacob Carlborg wrote:
On 10/16/09 12:58, Tomas Lindquist Olsen wrote:
GtkD supports Glade.

Yes, but GtkD doesn't use native controls.

A minor point, I think. Eclipse doesn't look very native and has
widespread acceptance.

SWT wrap native controls, and Eclipse is build on SWT, but for an
like Eclipse, use system provide native controls is no enough, you have to
write some custom control. Here is the problem, Java developers just unable
write good looking GUI components or applications using any library, neither
Swing nor SWT. for examples, Swing is really powerful GUI frameworks, Java2D
is quite powerful, and Swing is very flexible, but most Swing applications
really ugly.

I think Azureus looks quite native and if they haven't changed anything they're using SWT.

Eclipse doesn't look very native because they using ugly tab for layout, you
can change that by provide your owner theme. more than 99% controls in
are native controls...

There is the link of custom theme for Eclipse:



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