On Thursday, 30 July 2015 at 21:27:09 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
On Thursday, 30 July 2015 at 15:10:59 UTC, Brandon Ragland wrote:
It's a dog because Java is a dog. But that's not because of the GC.

It's not really that bad either, I can open up Minecraft at any time and have it sit in the background quietly using ~800Mb ram and virtually no cpu time.

Either your kid has tons of mods in their Minecraft or your computer is a bit dated.

Now compare that kind of resources consumption with any game based on Quake III engine. While you are at it, compare the graphisms. Still not convinced ? Measure latencies, which are critical for most games.

People always compare things to Minecraft when discussing if garbage collection is feasible in a game. Which is annoying, because I'm sure Minecraft's allocations would make most people sad. It's not a fair comparison.

Some quotes:
"Minecraft 1.8 has so many performance problems that I just don't know where to start with. Maybe the biggest and the ugliest problem is the memory allocation. Currently the game allocates (and throws away immediately) 50 MB/sec when standing still and up to 200 MB/sec when moving. That is just crazy."

But that was just a one off thing for 1.8 I believe, the normal is much better: "How did that work in previous releases? The previous Minecraft releases were much less memory hungry. The original Notch code (pre 1.3) was allocating about 10-20 MB/sec which was much more easy to control and optimize."

10-20 MB of garbage every second. That's just ridiculous to think of in a language like D. And that was long ago, it's probably worse now. Luckily D has things like ranges and other ways of improving this.

Source: http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/minecraft-mods/1272953-1-8-7-optifine-hd-d6-fps-boost-hd-textures-aa-af?page=2111#c43757

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