I was just looking at fixing this bug:https://issues.dlang.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14925

A little background for the root cause:

replaceInPlace has 2 versions. One is a specialized version that replaces the actual elements in an array with another array of the same type.

The second version just uses replace, and then overwrites the original array reference. This is used when the stuff to replace is not an array, or the array elements don't match, or the target array has const or immutable elements.

The constraint for version 1 is:

if(isDynamicArray!Range &&
       is(ElementEncodingType!Range : T) &&
       !is(T == const T) &&
       !is(T == immutable T))

More on that later. The constraint for version 2 is:

    if(isInputRange!Range &&
       ((!isDynamicArray!Range && is(ElementType!Range : T)) ||
        (isDynamicArray!Range && is(ElementType!Range : T) &&
             (is(T == const T) || is(T == immutable T))) ||
        isSomeString!(T[]) && is(ElementType!Range : dchar)))

The issue (as I noted in the bug report), is that the array being replaced is "some string", and the element type of the stuff to replace is a dchar. But the first version is better for replacing a char[] in a char[], and works just fine.

So I set about fixing this third constraint. We need to only call this version if the "some string" actually has non-mutable characters. So I proceeded to add another "is(T == const T) || is(T == immutable T)", but then I realized, wait, the first version will also be called if the ElementEncodingType of Range *fits into* a T (note the use of a colon instead of ==). Therefore, replaceInPlace!(wchar, char[]) will incorrectly try and call the first version, when it should call the second.

Therefore, I needed to update the constraints on the first version. This screws up the whole dynamic, because both constraints are evaluated INDEPENDENTLY. You can't have any overlap, so any changes to the first constraint may cause issues with the second (and in this case, it does). My second set of constraints was starting to look REALLY complicated.

What I really need for the second constraint is: "doesn't match the first version AND I can call replace with those arguments".

So that's what I did:

if(!(... /* whole constraint from first version */) && is(typeof(replace(array, from, to, stuff))))

This is not very DRY. One thing I could do is factor out the main constraint into another template:

enum _replaceInPlaceConstraint(T, Range) = ...

Great! But then the docs don't reflect the true constraint (they just have this _replaceInPlaceConstraint, er.. constraint), and I've contributed to the ever-growing template bloat of phobos.

How often are you writing overloaded templates, and you want to say "if it doesn't match anything else, do this"? I'd love to see some form of syntax that brings template constraints in line with tried-and-true if/else statements.

One way to do this is to lexically order the if constraints, and if any of them start with "else", then they are mutually exclusive with the immediately preceding constraint for the same symbol (just like normal else).

So for example, you'd have:

void replaceInPlace(T, Range)(ref T[] array, size_t from, size_t to, Range stuff)
if(isDynamicArray!Range &&
    is(Unqual!(ElementEncodingType!Range) == T) &&
    !is(T == const T) &&
    !is(T == immutable T))
{ /* version 1 that tries to write into the array directly */ }

void replaceInPlace(T, Range)(ref T[] array, size_t from, size_t to,
Range stuff)
else if(is(typeof(replace(array, from, to, stuff))))
{ /* version 2, which simply forwards to replace */ }

looks much better IMO. Can we do something like this? I'm not a compiler guru, so I defer to you experts out there.


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