On 8/17/15 1:00 PM, Idan Arye wrote:

It looks a bit ugly, that the `else` is after a function declaration
instead of directly after the if's "then" clause. How about doing it
with the full template style?

     template replaceInPlace(T, Range)
     if(isDynamicArray!Range &&
         is(Unqual!(ElementEncodingType!Range) == T) &&
         !is(T == const T) &&
         !is(T == immutable T))
         void replaceInPlace(ref T[] array, size_t from, size_t to,
Range stuff)
         { /* version 1 that tries to write into the array directly */ }
     else if(is(typeof(replace(array, from, to, stuff))))
         void replaceInPlace(ref T[] array, size_t from, size_t to,
Range stuff)
         { /* version 2, which simply forwards to replace */ }

Yes, I like this much better.


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