On Saturday, 29 August 2015 at 13:06:58 UTC, David Nadlinger wrote:
On Saturday, 29 August 2015 at 12:59:59 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
I'm happy with the codegen the way it is, it is good enough for me, but let's not make mountains out of hills.

But the fact is that many people are not. Even the core language team, who doesn't want their compiler to get 30% slower on the next release.

LOL. I've actually run into a fun problem with the program that I use to update dmd on my box. It needs root permissions to install dmd, so it does sudo up front to get the password and then reruns it before every command to reset the sudo timer. Before dmd switched to the D front-end, that worked, and I didn't have to type in my password again. So, I could just kick off the update program and leave. However, after the switch to D, the Phobos build and tests take longer than 5 minutes (or whatever the exact sudo timeout is), and I keep having to rerun my program to update dmd, because I run it and forget about it, and sudo eventually times out waiting for me to type in the password and terminates the update program. If my computer were faster, this wouldn't be a problem, but it worked prior to the move to D, and it doesn't now. So, from that standpoint, the 30% loss of speed in dmd is already costing me.

However, the biggest problem with dmd's slow codegen is probably ultimately PR. It's the reference compiler, so it's what folks are going to grab first and what folks are most likely to compare with their C++ code. That's comparing apples to oranges, but they'll do it. And a slow dmd will cost us on some level in that regard. The folks who know what they're doing and care about performance enough will use ldc or gdc, but it's not what the newcomers are likely to grab.

- Jonathan M Davis

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