On Monday, 7 September 2015 at 14:44:05 UTC, nx wrote:

Don't kill me, I'm just trying to help...

You can report issues and create pull requests :)


Hi NX,

Thanks for the document. A lot of what you say about UDA and compile time reflection is absolutely true. We should fix it so it isn't so darn convoluted.

w/ regards to __traits() those are call outs to the compiler and generally should not be used directly. Thus std.traits, and why they're prefixed with __. Unfortunately, the current state of compile time reflection requires that you must use __traits directly (at least, I've had to)

However, I can't agree with you about alias this, UFCS, or global functions in phobos. The "idiomatic" way to code in D is use local named imports. e.g.:

void main() {
   import std.stdio : writeln;
   writeln("Hello world!");


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