On Monday, 7 September 2015 at 14:44:05 UTC, nx wrote:

Don't kill me, I'm just trying to help...

You can report issues and create pull requests :)


- Your point against undisciplined UFCS: Completely agree.

I'm writing a 'DIP' that I'm probably never gonna submit to add "extension interfaces" (my syntax ATM is leaning towards "alias class/interface") that add callable-with-method-syntax free functions in a way that they're treated as native parts of the supporting type (one case: when passing the type name into a foreign template they're picked up as if they were methods instead of being out-of-scope).

In a (very big) way, they're stolen whole-sale and are being adopted to fit from Rust's traits.

- Null-coalescing operator: No. Pattern matching and a `std.typecons.Option(T)` would do better IMHO and are more general.

- I've stayed away from UDAs but your points make me finally want to stay away a bit more. (except for a small side project but, well, necessities)

- Managed~unManaged pointers: needlessly complicated. Just provide a non-GC 'new'. What wouldn't that solve as well as your `type*` vs `type^` pointers? (btw, `^` wouldn't conflict with the xor-operator as I understand it. `!` is already used both as a unary prefix and binary infix operator).

- Not sure about `alias this`/`opCast`. I just use `opDispatch` whenever I need something more complicated than alias this (not much at all).

- I VERY strongly believe in the inherent superiority of kebab-case compared to CamelCase and snake_case. KEBAB-CASE FOR PRESIDENT!

- I hated D's module system at first. I still hate that I have to create separate files just to have a small internal namespace-separation. But I like being able to just go find something in a file in a project based on its compile-time path (granted, good design should enforce this but...). I dunno; on a fence about it.

- `__traits(callerName) & __traits(callerChain) & __traits(callerPath)`: I want a `__traits(instanceContext, symbol)` that returns an alias allowing me to access all compile-time info on surrounding symbols to the passed one (which are local to the /instance/ so include imported names and local types and such). That would solve SO MANY THINGS with template adventures. Not sure on what it'd make worse, though.

- Partial lock for arrays: Sounds complicated for D's current analysis abilities. But sounds cool.

- pragma(inline): ABSOLUTELY. The idea that `pragma(inline)` verbatim tells the compiler precisely nothing hurts my OCD so much.

- Old attributes got a space in the keyword list. There were proposals to shift them all to `@` syntax but it stalled early on.

- Runtime reflection: Hmmm... Runtime UDA's sound suspiciously like a type-state system. Complicated, interesting.

- Templates are obvious enough as they are IMHO.

- Friend classes: Um, maybe make a separate MyTypeImpl struct/class that takes a MyType instance and initializes itself with a pointer and through it you can access all the private stuff you want? (MyTypeImpl would be in the same module as MyType, of course.)

Good stuff ;)

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