Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
I just wrote this to Sean and Walter and subsequently discussed it with Walter. Walter thinks this should work. Does anyone have the time and inclination to test this out? It would involve hacking into druntime's implementation of ~= (I'm not sure what the function name is). I'd really appreciate this; I'm overloaded as it is.


In wake of the recent demise of T[new], I was thinking of finding ways of making ~= efficient for T[].

Currently ~= is slow because accessing GC.sizeOf(void*) acquires a global lock and generally must figure out a lot of things about the pointer to make a decision.

Also, ~= is dangerous because it allows slices to stomp over other slices.

I was thinking of solving these issues by keeping an LRU (Least Recently Used) cache inside the implementation of ~=. The LRU would only have a few entries (4-8) and would store the parameters of the last ~= calls, and their cached capacities.

So whenever code calls arr ~= b, the LRU is searched first. If the system finds "arr" (both bounds) in the LRU, that means the cached capacity is correct and can solve the matter without an actual trip to the GC at all! Otherwise, do the deed and cache the new slice and the new capacity.

This also solves the lack of safety: if you request a growth on an array you just grew, it's impossible to have a valid slice beyond that array.

This LRU would allow us to keep the slice API as it currently is, and also at excellent efficiency.

What do you think?


Its an interesting idea, and if I have time tonight I'll take a crack at it. For those others who may, the function you care about is "_d_arrayappendcT" in compiler/dmd/lifetime.

-- Chris Nicholson-Sauls

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