On 10/04/2015 09:24 AM, karabuta wrote:
For some time now I have been trying various GUIs options in D. I came
to settle on gtkd and dlangui(stability is not my current priority).

In YHO, what keeps you from using any of those fully(mostly)? Gtkd
first,  followed by dlangui.  I need to know what I am signing up for.

I absolutely, positively cannot stand software that uses GTK for GUIs (including Unity and GNOME...not that anybody actually uses GNOME anymore) regardless of whether I'm running on Windows or Linux. So I definitely won't write software that uses it either, if I can help it. That rules out gtkd. I'm sure it's a fine set of bindings, but I'm not about to force a GTK UI on any poor end user.

As for dlangui, the stuff about OpenGL makes it sound like it's not using native widgets, and I don't like using software that does that.

I haven't really done GUI stuff in D yet, but if I were, I'd look into DWT or see what shape wxD is in. Too bad we don't have Qt, I hear nothing but good things about it.

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