On Tuesday, 6 October 2015 at 19:42:08 UTC, Jacob wrote:
There are many programs out there that use some sort of scripting capabilities.

I've been wanting to write an app that exposes a scripting like environment D, lua, or some other fast language to the user.

But there are two requirements:

1. The user has access to all objects created in app. e.g., if I create a class X in the app then the user can instantiate X in the script without having to recreate it. (the script then, is sort of an extension of the app)

I don't mind actually having to expose X to the script, but it should be easy.

2. It should be fast. When it is "recompiled" it shouldn't take more than a few seconds. It also shouldn't require a re-initialization of everything.

Can D do this easily?

I can see two ways about this:

1. Use D

Can you include your application's source code with the application?

If so, what I think could work is simply import modules belonging to your app from your plugin's source code, but don't link with the app object files.

The main complication with this approach is that you would need to either include a D compiler with your app, or expect the user to have one installed on their system. Note that DMD is not redistributable (you can't include DMD with your program), but this doesn't apply to LDC/GDC.

This might also get tricky on Windows, as you'll probably need to create or generate a .DEF file (and accompanying import library) which lists all exports/imports shared between your program and plugins. This will include all class methods as mangled names.

D compile times are quite low already, so I don't think this would be an issue.

2. Use a scripting language, e.g. Lua

D's compile-time reflection and code-generation abilities certainly make it possible to expose functions and classes to scripts. You could add a mixin to an exposed class, which would generate all the necessary run-time type information to expose the class to the scripting language. I don't know if any existing library already provides this in an easy-to-use manner, though.

Perhaps a good starting point would be LuaD:

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