On Thursday, 8 October 2015 at 17:56:57 UTC, Freddy wrote:
On Thursday, 8 October 2015 at 14:02:58 UTC, Chris wrote:
It'd be nice to have asm.js or even JS.

The major ploblem I see right now with targeting asm.js is garbage collection. This can be worked around (I think) by having all pointers be fat pointers (size_t* stack_ref_count,T* data) and by having write barriers (that check for null for stack_ref_count) when coping pointers.

Currently effective garbage collection is not possible since you cannot scan the stack. I think GC features are planned for some future version of WebAssembly.

However, you can generate asm.js like Javascript for gc code.

Or just require nogc.

asm.js also don't have exceptions and goto, neither does it have umul, udiv or 64 bit integers.

Non of those are show stoppers, but efficient code gen requires using what asm.js does well...

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