On Monday, 14 December 2015 at 19:04:46 UTC, bachmeier wrote:
It's unanimous, at least among the three of us posting in this Reddit thread:


Something has to be done with the documentation for Phobos functions that involve ranges and templates. The example I gave there is

bool isSameLength(Range1, Range2)(Range1 r1, Range2 r2) if (isInputRange!Range1 && isInputRange!Range2 && !isInfinite!Range1 && !isInfinite!Range2);

Unfortunately, that's less ugly than for a lot of functions. In some circumstances, I can see something like that reminding the author of the function about some details, but it can only confuse anyone else.

There is nothing I can do about this. Who makes these decisions? Can we change it to something useful?

Also, I think the documentation for functions involving ranges needs more "for dummies" examples. Too many of those functions leave the reader not having a clue what to do after calling the function. I know how that can be fixed.

I think that most of the problem is simply down to how the documentation looks. It's too dense.

I think some whitespace and some color-coding will go a long way to making the function signatures better.

bool isSameLength
   (Range1, Range2)                           // a grey color
   (Range1 r1, Range2 r2)                     // a blue
   if (isInputRange!Range1 && isInputRange!Range2 &&
!isInfinite!Range1 && !isInfinite!Range2); // same grey color as template args, to point out they're working on the template

I think that would make all documentation much easier to glance over, and yet easy to read if you need to.

On the examples - more examples can only be better!

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