On Thursday, 17 December 2015 at 07:19:04 UTC, Jon D wrote:
On Monday, 14 December 2015 at 19:04:46 UTC, bachmeier wrote:
Something has to be done with the documentation for Phobos functions that involve ranges and templates.

Many useful ideas in this thread. One I don't recall seeing - a standard way to denote whether a routine is lazy or eager. I'm finding this to be a key piece of information. Many standard library routines document this in the description, but presence and presentation is not very consistent. It'd be nice to have this presented in a standard way for routines operating on ranges.


Yes this something important that is missing. It is currently up to the documentation of a particular function to explain this. I think originally std.range was supposed to be lazy and std.algorithm - eager, but currently it's not a clear cut. Also in different contexts you may need a lazy version of an eager algorithm and vice-versa.

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