On Tuesday, 22 December 2015 at 07:19:48 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
I have no interest in using Ddoc. If that's a requirement we can close down the redesign idea completely.

Jacob, I really like the design, but how are others supposed to contribute, e.g. those who come from the dmd side of things, if it's not in ddoc? Not everyone knows HTML. Secondly, all of the existing content will have to be converted. And finally, what will we do about PDF, epub, and LaTeX generation if everything is in HTML?

If you wish to go with another format like Markdown, we get to the problems I listed here: http://forum.dlang.org/post/pxobzxkhxbobuhrse...@forum.dlang.org

I think it looks pretty bad and will ruin the design.

But the logo is a rather small part of the overall design. Plus, there is the problem of brand recognition. Changing the logo is not a small event in the grand scheme of things.

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