On 12/23/15 4:59 AM, deadalnix wrote:
First question first, how do one create a template from a design so that
ddoc can generate using it ?

I don't understand this question. Ddoc is just pure macro expansion so you can use it in many ways, including to generate a verbatim copy of the input (https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/dlang.org/blob/master/verbatim.ddoc) or a text-only version of the input (https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/dlang.org/blob/master/plaintext.ddoc).

Also, the home page may be one of these that justify going off road. You
often want something more out of the ordinary there as goals are
different from the usual doc page. Is that possible to have a custom
html (or whatever else) for the home page and keep using ddoc for
everything else ?

Yah. Overall I think a redesign is needed simply because it's time. Second I think the particular redesign discussed here is nice in many ways. Third I think I'm being reasonable if I ask to introduce new or custom technology dependencies only with good reason.


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