I know I'll be doing a few web programs in D (already have the contracts so it is increasing in priority even now). I'll probably be expanding my css tools for my other job too.

For non-work stuff, it all depends on how much time I have, but the basic list is:

1) the doc thing I've been talking about endlessly

2) improve D error messages. dmd "no template matches" and druntime "RangeError" are both sucky because they don't tell the user important facts the computer knows.

3) write a cocoa implementation for simpledisplay

4) get minigui up to 1.0

5) finish at least one of my games

What other languages do you think you will use or toy with in 2016 and for what purpose?

I'll still be using Ruby, Python, Java, and of course, Javascript for other work things too.

What would it take for you to use D instead, or what changes would be needed for you to move from language X to D?

My D program for work has a major component in Java which I just wrote last month because I wanted to use a major Java library and it was easier to just write it right there than mess with JNI or whatever.

If D had the same Java interface out of the box, or the same cutting-edge library I might have use it there too, but meh, idk. It is just a simple server that spits out XML - something Java is very good at.

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