On Friday, 8 January 2016 at 08:24:59 UTC, Jakob Jenkov wrote:
I've just finished with the initial version of my project to embed R inside D. Hopefully now I can convince other economists to use it.

I might put together a simple web interface (using D of course) that will improve my research collaboration efforts. The earliest I will have time to work on it will be the summer.

How does this work? Do you write R programs which are executed by a D program?
Or do you call functions in D which corresponds to R functions?

Either direction. Earlier I wrote dmdinline[1]. You can write small D functions and call them from R. It works well on Linux, but not on anything else. That makes it hard to collaborate.

In the other direction, you write a D program with an embedded R instance as with RInside. You do anything you want with your R interpreter. Importantly, it works on all OSes that run R.

The communication is the easy part. The time consuming part is converting R objects to D objects and vice versa. I've had to learn the internals of R at the same time that I've learned D. I've been working on it in my spare time for more than two years.

[1] https://bitbucket.org/bachmeil/dmdinline2

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