On Tuesday, 5 January 2016 at 12:27:12 UTC, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:
I wonder what kind of programming people plan or _hope_ to use D for in 2016?

Do you have plans to:

6. create runtime less programs (games, embedded)?
Am currently knee deep in my first game in D. Using DTiled and DSFML, has been very fun so far.
A rogue-like nomadic city-builder. (That's a thing?!)

7. work on the D language/phobos ?
I don't have the knowledge or skills sadly. I will attempt to help out on the documentation at some stage.

What other languages do you think you will use or toy with in 2016 and for what purpose?

Been using Groovy more and more in work.
Will also sadly have to write Java code for some in-house Jenkins plugins.

Personally, I've been using D a lot more in work recently, and quick and dirty tools I need I always go to D first. One example, we use sysstat to monitor all our servers resource usage, and had no centralised way to view those stats. I wrote a vibe.d service to do just that, plotting the data via plotly.js. I might clean it up and put it up on Github actually... could be useful to someone.

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