On Saturday, 6 February 2016 at 13:41:03 UTC, Piotrek wrote:
On Saturday, 6 February 2016 at 00:14:08 UTC, Mengu wrote:
and while we were talking the talk, rust community rolled out something good called diesel. check it out at http://diesel.rs/.

we need tools that get things done. we do not need tools that makes things more complex than they already are.

Almost no one (including me) is interested in ORM for SQL. The point is ORM+SQL is limiting and sooner or later you fallback to SQL.

I wouldn't say almost no one. I know Sql Alchemy is very popular and used by a lot of ppl. Ive used and not used ORMs on numerous projects and sometimes they make sense and sometimes they do not. I agree its not needed but alot of these tools are used by average developers and not having them isn't going to help D. Not that we don't need them but when ppl say "Well I like D but find there are missing libraries I want" A decent ORM would prolly be one of them. Basically if Rust continues to get these libraries and they are decent then they will def attract more ppl to the language instead of them possibly coming to D if that is important which I know has been brought up before and I think projects and tools like these with further attract ppl.

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