On Wednesday, 10 February 2016 at 03:28:55 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh wrote:

I would like confirmation from the following individuals if they can mentor GSOC this summer.

Iain Buclaw
Bruno Medeiros
Martin Nowak (and as backup Admin)
Jacob Ovrum

And as backup mentors
 Adam D. Ruppe
 Dmitry Olshansky

I will continue to polish the Ideas page until the deadline (Feb 18th)


but improvements by the community are welcome.

GSOC deadline is Friday. Would be great if I could get confirmation from the above individuals if they can still mentor. Also, if you have an interest in being a mentor please let me know, and I can add you to the list.

Also improvements to the Idea's page are welcome. I've added a few things (and subtracted one or two), but it still looks a lot like last year's losing effort.

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