On 2/18/2016 11:46 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
We're in exactly the same boat as C++ in that we rely on the
programmer to be smart about casting away const in order for const to provide
any guarantees.

No, we're not. @trusted is specifically designed to be greppable (so are casts, by the way). This is quite unlike C++. I defy you (or anyone) to look at a piece of non-trivial C++ code and verify there are no deviated preversions going on.

D is simply not in the same boat at all.

We can debate about the holes in @safe that get bug reports filed on them, but these are bugs and we intent to fix all of them. There is no plan nor proposal to fix C++ unsafety.

> I said that a type with an @mutable member would be forced to be marked with @mutable as well

You're proposing '@mutable const' ?

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