On Friday, 4 March 2016 at 22:44:24 UTC, Sebastiaan Koppe wrote:
On Friday, 4 March 2016 at 18:42:45 UTC, Erik Smith wrote:
    auto db = createDatabase("file:///testdb");
auto rowSet = db.connection().statement("select name,score from score").execute; foreach (r; rowSet) writeln(r[0].as!string,",",r[1].as!int);

You'll want to have some types in there. As in

struct S
  string name;
  int age;

auto rowSet = db.connection().statement("select name,score from score").executeAs!S;
foreach (r; rowSet) writeln(r.name,",",r.age);

I think some basic object serialization capabilities would be great although I'm not sure how the bare names can be accessed like that through the rowSet How would that work? I can see this:

S s;
auto rowSet = db.connection().statement("select name,score from score").into(s);

Two other options (not really serialization):

// 1
string name;
int age;
auto rowSet = db.connection().execute("select name,age from score").into(s.name,age);
foreach (r; rowSet) writeln(name,",",age);

// 2
foreach (r; rowSet) writeln(r["name"],",",r["age"]);

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