On Friday, 4 March 2016 at 23:55:55 UTC, Erik Smith wrote:
I think some basic object serialization capabilities would be great although I'm not sure how the bare names can be accessed like that through the rowSet How would that work?

I did a project a while back using mysql-native (see code.dlang.org) and it has a `toStruct` function on its Row type. Maybe have a look there.

To access the bare named RowSet would have to be templated on the struct.

Follows code from said project:

template executeAs(Type)
        struct TypedSQLSequence
                ResultSequence rs;
                alias rs this;
                @property Type front()
                        Row r = rs.front;
                        Type temp;
                        return temp;
        auto executeAs(ref mysql.connection.ResultSequence rs)
                return TypedSQLSequence(rs);

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