On Friday, 6 May 2016 at 14:13:35 UTC, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
The atmosphere here is great, and I'm curious how it feels for those who are watching remotely. Is the experience good? What can we do better?

Also: we're talking about the DConf 2017 location. Please share any initial thoughts!



I was not able to watch live much. But the parts I did were OK. Audio was good enough, video I would have liked to be a bit better, but do-able. A very good idea to have the slides available upfront!

I watched the most in the made available streams afterwards. Easy to pick and select the topics of interest. IMO it is great to have the content available right after/during the current day.

The atmosphere was even noticeable in the video stream, for me at least. To me it seems like a really great and inspirational conference!

Location, personally doesn't matter much to me since I'm most probably not able to attend anyway. But maybe Japan/Korea?

Topics and niveau, you did not ask but will give my opinion anyway, the diversity is good, the level of the talks I saw were for people not to intemit with the language and its eco system possibly a bit to high / abstract. I don't know whether or not there is a specific group targeted by dconf but when one of its (main) purposes is to attract new people from other language- eco systems, then IMO there should be given a bit more thought on the content topics and niveau.
When this is not the purpose then its all fine.

About attracting people to D, my experience is that beside the language zealots which will never change to different language eco system, most developers do not look around and select the best tools for the job at hand, they just look back into to their experience-toolbox and start solving the problem using the tools and technologies their familiar with, even though better tools are readily available. IMO D offers for a lot, a near perfect fit for a lot of problems, but fails in 'marketing' department. Most professionals I met never heard of D or never tried it (to much hassle). When they try it out it is not only the first 5 minutes, but the first project that matters. Most of them never finish that project in D....
Feedback I get:
- integration in tooling not good enough (VisualD is of help, but seems to fail)
- debugging problems(!!!)
- documentation for beginners not easy to find or follow.
- just to much of a hassle

I hope we can improve on this.


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