On Monday, 23 May 2016 at 18:54:47 UTC, Joakim wrote:
Hmm, I almost never get that CAPTCHA, and I don't log in to the forum. Could be something else about your profile that Akismet flags: have you tried taking it up with them?

I login here, not with them. They can't tell who I'm logged in here as, I would assume. I can't expect them to make an exception for me if I'm not even logging in with them.

Also, they're a huge, faceless corporation that heuristically targets spammers worldwide, and I don't like the idea of my activity being profiled worldwide.

They do heuristic profiling anyway. They're not supposed to be relied upon as an ultimate authority on who's a spammer. A simple counter for how many captchas solved in a given login is way more reliable than pinging them for the answer every time.

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