On 06/02/2016 03:41 PM, Basile B. wrote:
Yesterday I've took the decision not to propose anymore PR for Phobos
bugfixes, even if most of the time it's easy.


It can take up to 2 or 3 weeks until a "phobos bugfix" get merged. Even
a straight one.


Once a pr gets the label "@andrei". It basically means that "it's dead".

Also meant to add: email should help. I am currently nursing 3-4 emails that are phobos-related among some 50 other important and urgent emails. There's some Midas effect - every day I wake up thinking "I'll halve my inbox today" and by the evening I still have 50 emails. It's maddening. But please don't take offense. Do email and I'll get to your work. Thanks! -- Andrei

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