On Thursday, 9 June 2016 at 16:44:23 UTC, Yura wrote:

I have to stress I am beginner in programming, mainly interested in number crunching in academia (at least so far). I started to write a small project in D, but had to switch to C for few reasons:

1) Importance for my CV. I know Python, if I add also C - it sounds, and could be useful since the C language is, apart from the other reasons, is popular and could help me wit the future job, both in academia and industry, since there are many C/C++ projects.

I wouldn't worry too much about the CV. Maybe in a year or two companies will demand you know Ruby or Javascript :) Once you know who to program it's not so hard to pick up other languages. The basic concepts of handling / mapping data are always the same (hash tables, arrays ...)

2) The libraries - in the scientific world you can find practically everything which has already been coded in C, => many C libraries. To link it to be used within D code requires some work/efforts, and since I am not that confident in my IT skills, I decided that C code calling C libraries is much safer.

It's a piece of cake most of the time, it's really easy.[1] When I first tried it, I couldn't believe that it was _that_ simple. I use some C code too in one of my projects and it's easy to either call individual C functions or, if needs be, you can turn a C header file into a D interface file with only a few changes (they will almost look identical).

There is absolutely no reason not to use D because of existing C libraries. The seamless interfacing to C is one of D's major advantages. In this way you can write elegant D code and still take advantage of the plethora of C libraries that are available.

Here are examples of porting C libraries that have D interfaces:


If you need help, you can always ask on the forum. Nobody will bite you :-)

There are even D frameworks that enable you to interact with Python [2] and Lua. I'd say give it a shot.

[1] http://dlang.org/spec/interfaceToC.html
[2] https://github.com/ariovistus/pyd

Other links:



3) For C - a lot of tutorials, everything has been explained at stack overflow many times, huge community of people. E.g. you want to use OpenMP, Open MPI - everything is there, explained many times, etc.

4) The C language is well tested and rock solid stable. However, if you encounter a potential bug in D, I am not sure how long would it take to fix.

5) Garbage collector - it will slow my number crunching down.

You should test it first, gut feeling is not a proof. If it really does slow down your code, write GC free code, as ketmar suggested. You can always ask on the .learn forum.

Please, do not take it as criticism, I like D language, I tried it before C and I find it much much easier, and user friendly. I feel it is more similar to Python. On the other hand C++ is too complex for me, and D would be the perfect option for the scientific community, if the above points would be fixed somehow..

Best luck with your work!

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