On Saturday, 16 July 2016 at 20:38:05 UTC, The D dude wrote:
On Friday, 15 July 2016 at 12:59:39 UTC, maik klein wrote:

Safety and Memory Management

Safety and making the GC optional remain important concerns through the end of this year. We are putting them together because the GC alternatives we endorse must address safety.

Has there been any progress so far? Are there any DIPs to improve no gc code?

I can see these two:

http://wiki.dlang.org/DIP18 (a bit outdated)

I can remember that there was talk about making allow to use a custom allocator with `new`, but I haven't seen a proposal yet.

I do encourage you to volunteer, doing the research & submitting your idea(s) for a change ;-)

I was actually thinking of contributing something bigger as part of my bachelor thesis. (Not sure if I am allowed to do that)

What I wanted to do is to translate a big part of Rust's std to D. Stuff like Rc, Arc, Box, Optional + all the necessary tools for ownership semantics.

Also implement data structures that work with ownership semantics (Rc, Box, Arc etc) like Vec, HashMap.

Add ownership semantics to phobos, for example a lot of stuff in phobos can't be used with non copyable types. (A lot of things rely on copying)

I have already implemented a small part of Rusts std but it felt like that I was the only one interested in this. (I am aware of RefCounted, Unique, Nullable etc)

I would definitely put some spare time into researching this a bit more if there is some interest.

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