On Saturday, 16 July 2016 at 21:45:17 UTC, maik klein wrote:
What I wanted to do is to translate a big part of Rust's std to D. Stuff like Rc, Arc, Box, Optional + all the necessary tools for ownership semantics.

Also implement data structures that work with ownership semantics (Rc, Box, Arc etc) like Vec, HashMap.

Add ownership semantics to phobos, for example a lot of stuff in phobos can't be used with non copyable types. (A lot of things rely on copying)

I have already implemented a small part of Rusts std but it felt like that I was the only one interested in this. (I am aware of RefCounted, Unique, Nullable etc)

I would definitely put some spare time into researching this a bit more if there is some interest.

Walter and Andrei have, in the past, stated many times that they believe Rust's approach to the memory safety problem is too complex and not a good fit for D. They have been exploring alternative solutions for a while now, and will probably announce something eventually.

Nothing significant gets added to the language, runtime, or standard library without their approval - no matter how popular it is with the community.

So, make sure that you get explicit pre-approval from them before you waste your time, unless everything you want to do can be implemented as a normal stand-alone DUB package.

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